Blogpod — My Journey so Far

Samuel Rowe
3 min readJan 22, 2021
Photo by @gabrielrana on Unsplash
Photo by Gabriel Tovar on Unsplash

Hi everyone.

I’m Samuel, a 21-year-old student from India. I am the creator of Blogcast, a platform for micro-podcasts. In this post, I basically talk about my journey so far. I would love to hear your feedback!

How did I get the idea?

One night, after working for 12 hours, I came across an article on I thought to myself if I could consume all their articles, I would probably become better at entrepreneurship. This was because I have two failed startups to my name so far.

So I started looking for a way to consume articles quickly. Since I listen to a lot of audiobooks, the idea of audio articles was appealing to me. I did find intuitive solutions like Pocket, Speechify, and podcasts. However, what I was looking for was bite-sized content, convenience, quality, and a pinch of human touch. This was how I came up with the idea for Blogcast, a community that loves the idea of sharing and listening to articles. My vision for Blogcast is for it to become a welcoming community where anyone can share their thoughts and listen to insightful blogcasts. ❤️

Building the MVP in four weeks

Since I have to work during the day, I spent the last four weeks working on the app at night, whilst learning to write a mobile app in React Native.

In the first week, I implemented the very first version of the app. It simply rendered a list of audio clips. Users could click on an article and the player would start playing. The app was quite empty. The data was hardcoded.

In the second week, I developed an internal dashboard and a REST API where I could upload the articles. I integrated the app with the backend and I had my Minimum Demoable Product (MDP). It was quite buggy but was enough to demonstrate the concept. I wanted to validate the idea as soon as possible. I then showed the app to a few of my close friends. They loved the idea!

The third week was an interesting week. I was talking to potential users, onboarding authors, and updating the app at the same time. I fixed the critical bugs. Made the app bearable to use. I onboarded around 10 authors. Got permission to publish around 40+ articles in the true crime, lifestyle, and technology genres.

From what I understood, most people wanted a curated playlist based on their interests. So I started reading a book on recommender systems. (For those of you who are curious, it’s called Practical Recommender Systems by Kim Falk.) To implement it, I wanted to know what genres users liked more, so I added authentication, onboarding screens where users could input their interests, and a few other goodies. This is basically how I spent this week; the fourth week.

What’s next?

At the moment, the articles are converted from text-to-speech using Google’s TTS engine. I will soon try to onboard or hire narrators to help with this. I want to implement a lot of things, and just thinking about them overwhelms me! I hope to see Blogcast grow and help people all around the world share and learn new things.

PS: If you would like to check out the app, you can download it from Play Store. Please feel free to leave your feedback in the comments.

Thank you!



Samuel Rowe

With software development, there is always something new to discover. Designing a platform that is helpful to millions of users is my ultimate goal.